Robot II is a hexapod with three active, revolute degrees of
freedom (DOF) and one spring-loaded, translational DOF per leg.
Each active DOF is powered by a separate 6 Watt DC motor
with an integral transmission. The sensing of joint position is
accomplished by a rotary potentiometer attached to each joint.
Foot forces are monitored by load cells mounted on the tibia
segments. The structure of the body is composed of
lightweight aircraft plywood, balsa and aluminum.
The SIL06 Walking Robot
freedom (DOF) and one spring-loaded, translational DOF per leg.
Each active DOF is powered by a separate 6 Watt DC motor
with an integral transmission. The sensing of joint position is
accomplished by a rotary potentiometer attached to each joint.
Foot forces are monitored by load cells mounted on the tibia
segments. The structure of the body is composed of
lightweight aircraft plywood, balsa and aluminum.
The SIL06 Walking Robot

The SILO6 is a hexapod designed as the mobile platform of the DYLEMA project
intended to configure a system for detection and location of antipersonnel land mines.
Walking robots are intrinsically slow machines, and machine speed
is well known to depend theoretically on the number of legs the
machine has. Therefore, a hexapod can achieve higher speed
than a quadruped, and a hexapod achieves its highest speed
when using a wave gait with a duty factor of β = 1/2, that is, using
alternating tripods. Although stability is not optimum when using
alternating tripods, a hexapod configuration has been chosen just
to try to increase the machine’s speed. The walking-robot
development is based on certain subsystems developed for
the SILO-4 walking robot. The SILO4 is a quadruped robot
developed for basic research activities and educational purposes.
For this reason, this new walking robot is named SILO-6,
referring to its six legs.
Walking robots are intrinsically slow machines, and machine speed
is well known to depend theoretically on the number of legs the
machine has. Therefore, a hexapod can achieve higher speed
than a quadruped, and a hexapod achieves its highest speed
when using a wave gait with a duty factor of β = 1/2, that is, using
alternating tripods. Although stability is not optimum when using
alternating tripods, a hexapod configuration has been chosen just
to try to increase the machine’s speed. The walking-robot
development is based on certain subsystems developed for
the SILO-4 walking robot. The SILO4 is a quadruped robot
developed for basic research activities and educational purposes.
For this reason, this new walking robot is named SILO-6,
referring to its six legs.

Sprawlita is a Shape Deposition Manufactured platform with six legs of 2 (actuated) DOF each. Based on the Sprawl 1.0 and Mini-Sprawl prototypes, it is a platform to test ideas about locomotion schemes, leg design and leg arrangement and to build compliant leg structures using SDM. The size is the same scale as Mini-Sprawl, with slightly more mass (270g vs. 250g) and less stiff compliant hip joints with only one (intended) degree of freedom.
BILL-Ant Series Robots

The Biologically-Inspired Legged Locomotion Ant (BILL-Ant) is an 18-DOF hexapod with six passive DOF feet for force sensing, a 3-DOF neck and actuated mandibles with force sensing pincer plates (28-DOF total). The robot uses force sensors in the feet and pincers to actively comply with its environment and respond to external pertubations.