This is a hexapod robot powered by 18 RC servomotors.
The degree of freedom of each leg is 3. I built this robot to
study the control software for 6 legged locomotion.This robot
The degree of freedom of each leg is 3. I built this robot to
study the control software for 6 legged locomotion.This robot
can walk toward every direction, but the maximum
speed of progress depends on the direction. This robot is
equipped with radio control transmitter and can accept
control by radio. In develop configuration, this robot is
connected to PC's parallel port and control from PC with
umbilical cable.
The Autonomous/RC crawling 6 legged robot
speed of progress depends on the direction. This robot is
equipped with radio control transmitter and can accept
control by radio. In develop configuration, this robot is
connected to PC's parallel port and control from PC with
umbilical cable.
The Autonomous/RC crawling 6 legged robot

Prototyping the Autonomous/RC crawling 6 legged robot with 14 RC servo
By Thomas Scherrer OZ2CPU.
Prototyping Folded Robots
Prototyping Folded Robots

Even with the SCM process, very small robots can be difficult to
design and build. Their size makes assembly challenging and the
design and build. Their size makes assembly challenging and the
inherent difficulty of designing a 3 dimensional folded robot in
a 2 dimensional drawing also slows the process. To avoid costly
errors in the early stages of design when many ideas will be tested
and discarded, we created a scaled analog to the SCM process
using commonly available materials. This scaled process lets the
folded robot designer go from a design on paper to a functional
scaled prototype in as little as 20 minutes. Rapid iteration alleviates
the risk of committing to a design and fabricating at the small scale
too soon. Instead, the designer is free to explore a variety of ideas
at the larger scale, discarding the unsuccessful attempts and rapidly
errors in the early stages of design when many ideas will be tested
and discarded, we created a scaled analog to the SCM process
using commonly available materials. This scaled process lets the
folded robot designer go from a design on paper to a functional
scaled prototype in as little as 20 minutes. Rapid iteration alleviates
the risk of committing to a design and fabricating at the small scale
too soon. Instead, the designer is free to explore a variety of ideas
at the larger scale, discarding the unsuccessful attempts and rapidly
integrating lessons learned in the process to produce a design that is
much more likely to succeed at the small scale.
Robot I

Robot I was the group's first project. The robot has six two degree of
freedom legs powered by 2 Watt DC motors that permitted straight line
locomotion on flat terrain. It was initially constructed to test a biologically-
inspired neural network controller developed by R. D. Beer and H. J. Chiel
for a computer simulated insect. With the stimulation of a single command
neuron, the network generated a range of insect-like gaits. The controller
also proved to be robust to perturbations
freedom legs powered by 2 Watt DC motors that permitted straight line
locomotion on flat terrain. It was initially constructed to test a biologically-
inspired neural network controller developed by R. D. Beer and H. J. Chiel
for a computer simulated insect. With the stimulation of a single command
neuron, the network generated a range of insect-like gaits. The controller
also proved to be robust to perturbations