which incorporate a parallel link to keep the distal segment vertical,
the rigid link can be replaced with a spring. This will allow the link to
extend as the leg moves back, and contract again as it rotates past
the midpoint of the stride. Another possibility would be to make
the proximal leg segment compliant rather than the parallel link, but
I think this would be more difficult to construct. As in the higher
tetrapod leg type, the arthropod type functions pretty well even
without the compliant link. But under conditions where traction is
critical, such as climbing a slope, or on certain types of carpet,
I think the compliant link would really result in superior performance.
The biggest obstacle to implementing it is finding a spring with
the right characteristics for a robot of a given size and power.http://home.att.net/~jZeissig/LegTypes.html
extend as the leg moves back, and contract again as it rotates past
the midpoint of the stride. Another possibility would be to make
the proximal leg segment compliant rather than the parallel link, but
I think this would be more difficult to construct. As in the higher
tetrapod leg type, the arthropod type functions pretty well even
without the compliant link. But under conditions where traction is
critical, such as climbing a slope, or on certain types of carpet,
I think the compliant link would really result in superior performance.
The biggest obstacle to implementing it is finding a spring with
the right characteristics for a robot of a given size and power.http://home.att.net/~jZeissig/LegTypes.html

the robot to mimic the information provided by the biological sensors
found in insects.http://vision.ai.uiuc.edu/jmh/entomology.html
Hexapod Robot